Healing a Child’s Anger (a Powerful Success Story)


Janet shares a parent’s dramatic story recounting how she overcame her fear and doubt to allow her 6-year-old to express explosive emotions. In a wonderfully detailed e-mail to Janet, this mom describes a feeling of distance from her son and the respectful – albeit difficult, loud and sometimes scary – steps she took to welcome … Continued

Embracing Our Power to Be Confident Leaders (a Pep-Talk for Parents)


In this episode, Janet shares what she describes as her most valuable advice for parents — a mindset that brings clarity to our role in our children’s lives, makes our job more enjoyable and successful, and may even offer us personal growth. Janet explains why and how this perspective works, offers practical examples, and touches … Continued

Don’t Miss the Secrets Your Children Need to Share


In response to a parent’s question about her toddler’s aggressive impulses toward her newborn sister, Janet suggests strategies for encouraging our children — beginning in infancy– to communicate their innermost thoughts, feelings and needs. This parent and her husband have followed Janet’s advice on siblings and believe they are “doing a decent job supporting them … Continued

Sibling Strife – When Your Child Keeps Hating On Her Little Brother


A parent writes that her 5-year-old has never recovered from the arrival of her younger brother (now 3.5 yrs). “Since he was born, she has subjected him to physical violence and verbal taunting.” She describes her daughter as bright and strong-willed, and her son as gentle, loving and forgiving. She says she has tried everything … Continued

It’s Not Regression


A parent describes the stress her family has been experiencing over the past several months and believes her 4.5 year old son has been particularly affected. “He was in Montessori and becoming very independent. Little by little, we’ve seen a huge regression in his behavior.” She describes a number of issues where she sees her … Continued

Is It Too Late to Set Limits with My Strong-Willed Child?


The parent of a 4-year-old who describes her child as strong-willed and social is concerned that she and her husband did not set boundaries early enough, and they are now paying for it. She admits that for most of her boy’s young life she was reluctant to enforce boundaries so as not to upset him. … Continued

5 Ways Parents Can Make Their Lives Easier Right Now


Even in the best of times, caring for children is a balancing act that is never mastered. The ground shifts constantly, and we adapt accordingly, doing our very best to provide care, love, support and encouragement within the daily rhythms of our lives. Our children are acutely aware of change or disruption, and they look … Continued

The Most Helpful Response When Your Child Gets Hurt (4 Guidelines)


Janet offers basic guidelines for responding mindfully when children get hurt, whether by accident or as the result of another child’s behavior. She also addresses the specifics in a parent’s note about her son’s emotional responses to getting pushed or hit when she isn’t close enough to prevent it. She says he seems “shocked” but … Continued

Your Child’s Erratic, Disruptive Behavior


In this episode: A parent describes her 3-year-old as a firecracker. “He is full of life and joy and attitude!” While she appreciates his energy, there are times when he gets too wound up and is no longer “in himself.” He often becomes overly physical with his 17-month old brother and even hits adults. She … Continued