In this episode: Janet responds to a Facebook message from a parent who describes her 6-year-old as argumentative and resistant, and she’s running out of patience. She says, “I recognize that he is testing limits and trying to establish his voice and independence in the world,” but she has other kids and feels her son’s questioning takes up too much of her time. She wonders if she should be flexible with him, or if that approach will just intensify his relentless push-back.
Hi, this is Janet Lansbury, welcome to Unruffled. Today I’m responding to a parent who is losing patience with her son’s constant pushback. She understands that he needs to establish his voice in the world, but she’s getting weary of the amount of time she spends with him in relentless negotiations. She’s wondering how much is too much.
Here’s the Facebook message I received:
“Hi Janet, and all,
Thank you for being such an invaluable resource for my family. I searched your archives but couldn’t find anything relevant to a specific challenge we are facing. My six-year-old son is very argumentative. I recognize that he is testing limits and trying to establish his voice and independence in the world, but he argues with every single instruction we give him. For example, “We need to brush teeth in five minutes.” “How about six minutes.” And then he argues back and forth with me.
Typically I try to hear him out, but remain firm on my instructions or expectations. But I am conflicted. Should I show him flexibility about things that are truly flexible, or am I opening myself up to relentless questioning by hearing him out? Perhaps I just need to level up my patience, but the amount of time this takes often feels unrealistic when I’ve also got other kids to attend to.
Thanks so much for any advice you might have.”
Okay, you heard me laugh because I love that children do this, practicing being their assertive selves. And, like she says, establishing their voice and their independence in the world. “This is me! This is what I want to do.” This begins with toddlers saying “no” or showing us that they’re not listening, they’re not going to do it. And this need to be their own person actually only increases when they are in a healthy relationship with their parents. Which is obviously the case here.
But the important thing for us to understand is that our children still need us to be that confident leader, and to be able to hold our own with them. They need it through adulthood.
The fact that this parent says that she is conflicted is eye opening for me, because that tells me – if I didn’t already know by her asking the question – that her son is feeling that, and that’s actually a big part of why he keeps doing this.
So, as leaders it’s great to get the help we need, or get the mindsets that we need to be able to have a clear vision, and not be conflicted. And that doesn’t mean that we will never say yes to a child’s requests, or hear their arguments. Quite the opposite. It means that we welcome their disagreement. We welcome them to share who they are. We want that. But it doesn’t affect us in our own clarity about ourselves.
We’re willing to explore with them certain things, even. Like that extra minute before he brushes his teeth. That’s, to me, and especially funny one, because I’m thinking, what’s going to happen in that one minute that he wants? And I want to ask him, “I hear you wanting another minute. What would you like to do in that one minute?”
And then, if his response actually made sense to me I might say, “Okay, sure. You can have that other minute.”
But then when he starts to argue again, the next time, “Now I need another minute,” I would assert myself there and say, “No, we really can’t do that. So let’s get going. But I hear you, wanting another minute.” And that’s the way that I would handle all of his arguments.
The problems and the perpetuation of this happen when we engage in a argument. And there’s no reason for us to, because as confident leaders we know that we are in charge. I know there are parents that recoil at that idea that a parent should be in charge, but that’s what authoritative parenting is — the sweet spot that we all want to get to. Authoritative does it with love, but is still in charge, because children need that. They really don’t want to be making the rules and deciding things at that age.
We find the balance when we, again, feel so clear and comfortable in ourselves and this role that we welcome children to say whatever they say. We’re not going to try to convince them of our side. That’s where the argument happens. If we think about it, usually we are trying to get our child to say, “Okay.”
He wants another minute and I’m saying, “No, we’re not going to do that, but I hear you.” That conflict is often what children need to have with us. That conflict is where they get to be their independent selves in that moment.
It’s also where they get to complain to us. This mother indicates there’s other siblings. They get to complain to us about that. They get to say, without actually saying, “Hey, I’m not cool with everything that’s going on here. I’ve got feelings that are a little edgy sometimes, or even more than that. And the way I’m gonna express them is by saying no to you, pushing back.”
So maybe in terms of pushing back we can think of ourselves as this very firm but, at the same time, soft backboard that welcomes the pushing. It doesn’t intimidate us at all, it doesn’t move us, it doesn’t change us, it doesn’t make us feel weaker. We know it’s positive for our child to go there and do that, we welcome the pushing. And there’s no reason for me to argue with you.
So that basic mindset, that’s what we want to get to. And we’re not all going to be perfect at this, but…
This works with all people, by the way. One of my friends was sharing how she wanted to ask her boss for a raise, and she was intimidated because she knew this boss would have a big explosion about it, probably. I suggested that she not push back on his feelings or his arguments, even if he said things like, “You don’t deserve this, and you don’t work hard enough.” I would actually say back, “Wow, you have those feelings. You’re not so sure about me, you really don’t feel I’m working hard enough.” And then I loved this idea that my friend had, which was ask him to think about it and get back to her. So she wasn’t going to push back on his feelings, try to convince him of her side. She was going to allow him to have his process.
And that’s what children need, too.
The fact that this mother says she’s taking time with this means that she’s getting sucked in, she’s getting caught up. She’s trying to convince him. She’s trying to avoid him having the meltdown. That doesn’t work with children.
So the way this could look, in practice … well, I’ll give a couple of examples. Let’s do the example of where the answer ends up being a no, and that it’s going to go the way that this mother thinks best, as the leader. And that would probably especially be at times of transition. Brushing teeth, that’s usually an end of the day transition, that is when children are least able to make choices. I wrote a post about this called Setting Limits With Toddlers – The Choices They Can’t Make, and it is about times that are difficult for toddlers, when they really need us to help them through. And a six-year-old is no different in that respect.
I think we as adults are no different. When we’re going through a big transition in life, we’re less likely to be able to handle all of these other decisions. We’re overwhelmed. Children feel like that at the end of the day. They’re tired, they’ve got to let go of the day and go into this sleep place. It’s a tough time. So that is the time I would be very unlikely to allow for the flexibility.
So I say, “Okay, we need to brush teeth in five minutes.” And he says, “How about six minutes?” I think I would say, “Huh, another minute eh? That sounds interesting, but no. This is what we’re doing. Come on, I’m going to help you into the bathroom.”
That is seeing an overwhelmed person. a person who I don’t need to convince, and they don’t need to like everything I say and do and all the choices I make. That’s seeing a child at the end of the day, kind of throwing out his last bits of stress feelings before he can relax and go to bed. And I want to be that backboard that he can push up against.
Now let’s say this was at a different time of day, and I was actually completely open to him having another minute, or two minutes, or whatever the specifics were. I would still start off with welcoming the child’s feelings. Not going to that fear place in us, that worries, “Oh no, if he doesn’t agree with me I can’t be his leader right now.” Or, “Ugh, he’s going to get upset, I really hate when that happens.” Not going there. Instead, seeing that all as positive, seeing that all as safe. Seeing ourselves as able to be in this role. We all got hired for this job. We’re not trying out for it. We can do this.
This parent asks, “Should I show him flexibility about things that are truly flexible?” Yes. I might say, “Ah, you know what? Yeah. That’s fine with me.” Or I say, “Okay, I can give you the one minute, but that’s about it, because we really need to go after that.” I’m still the strong backboard, I’m not trying to oh, maybe I can please him right here and give him what he wants, and avoid something. No, I’m really coming from a platform of strength. Loving strength. We’re holding our own. Holding ourselves strong and separate, the leaders.
And it shouldn’t take you any more time. It’s just that moment that it takes to say, “You know, you’ve got a point there. Yes, we can do that. Sure, that works.” It’s either that or, “No, that doesn’t work for me, that’s not going to work, we’re going to do this. But I hear you really wanting to do that.”
It can help to always end with hearing our child, while we’re holding our own in our choice.
And we can also change our mind. We can do all of those things once we have the mindset of ourselves as the leader and all of their arguments and limit pushing and feelings as healthy and positive and the best thing they could be doing in that moment. It’s very freeing, right? Once we get that.
And if we’re not getting that, it can help to look at… what’s getting in our way? Am I afraid my child’s not going to like me or love me if I have a different point of view? If I say no?
All this really is is being able to set boundaries, like my friend asking for a raise. “This is what works for me.” But in this case we really are in charge.
So this mom says, “Perhaps I just need to level up my patience.” No, it’s not about patience. Patience, I think in this case means I’m getting sucked in, and I’m having patience with you trying to change my mind, and me trying to follow you on that trail. And no, they don’t need patience. They need bravery from us, acceptance, and boundaries.
I hope that helps.
Also, please check out some of my other podcasts on my website. They’re all indexed by subject and category, so you should be able to find whatever topic you’re interested in.
And both of my books are available on audio at Audible, Elevating Child Care and No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame. You can get both audio books for free with a 30-day trial membership by using the link in the liner notes of this podcast. You can also get them in paperback at Amazon and an ebook at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and
Thank you for listening. We can do this.
Thank you so much for continuing to share all your wisdom, Janet. I have a 7-month-old and have implemented RIE the best I can…it’s truly an amazing approach. Even my husband who thought it was kooky when I told him about it while I was pregnant (so I just decided to model it for him and stop sending articles), I now hear in the bedroom saying to our son, “I’m going to take your shirt off now…over the head!” as he undresses him for bed, or “I’m going to lay you down now…” Our baby is content and knows he’s safe. I was spanked as a child and would have been spanked if I were this boy asking for his minute, so your blog helps so much with the everyday situations where I need somewhere else to turn besides my own life experience. The more I read and practice, the more intuitive RIE becomes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wow, that’s wonderful news, Julia! Music to my ears. Thank you so much for sharing with me! Passing this approach along is my pleasure.
I’m having similar struggles with my 6-year old, who seems to push boundaries by whining. Last night he whined on & off through dinner that he didn’t want the meal, despite me calmly saying “I hear you, you’re not into the chicken tonight.” Then again he whined through most of our after-dinner walk. Should I let him express his feeling ad nauseam, when there are SO MANY throughout the course of a normal day, or is there a healthy way to put a limit on it? Is it ok to say something like, “I understand you don’t like the dinner, no problem. But I do expect you to sit here and talk to us about your day.” What’s the consequence if he can’t stop whining? Ask him to leave the table?
I was going to write a similar question. My 3.5yo asks “Why?” over and over when I’m setting a limit, for eg. “We’re going home in five minutes.” “How about 20 minutes!” “No, that doesn’t work for me.” “Why?” then if I answer “We have to get home to make dinner,” he’ll ask another “Why?” (and so on) or if I don’t answer: “Why? Mum, why? Why, mum?” etc… You get the idea.
Where do we go from here?
Yes, I’d really like some guidance in this scenario. Mu 5 year old does this and there is a breaking point for me.
Yes, this is my 6yo also. It’s not that she wants to argue. It’s that if she gets an answer she doesn’t like she’ll whine about it loudly for the rest of the day. It’s been really getting my spirits down. I feel I’ve tried everything. From reading this I’m wondering if I’m not being confident enough somehow, so I guess I’ll see if I can do more on that front. But I don’t mind holding the limit—it’s just the complaining that’s getting to me.
Hi Janet, further to your wisdom above what night be the next steps if yiur child then starts screaming hitting flopping to the ground…what do i do when every night bedtime routine is a fight. If i lift her into the bathroom its extreme reaction. If i turn off all the lights bar the bedroom she screams or says i dont care. If i confiscate what shes playing with she says i dont care or screams and hits. I then have herdad getting down to her level and softly or playfully engaging and pacifying. Which is better than screaming but rewards the behavior with connection. She has a 9yo brother with ADD who also did this for years. Shes started it since starting school this year. Any advice? Running away is a fleeting fantasy. Many thanks, vicki
Hi Vicki! I have a similar issue. My almost 3 year old daughter hates waking up in the morning and getting dressed. My husband wakes her up, allows her five minutes or so to adjust while he does other things, but getting dressed and using the bathroom is a struggle for her and sometimes she refuses to use the bathroom. I’m not sure how to “help” her without basically forcibly dressing her (and you can’t exactly force someone to use the bathroom!), especially given that we have time constraints. We allow about a half hour for her to wake up, get dressed, brush teeth/hair and use the rest room, and all that starts at 6:15am. She eats breakfast at daycare, but usually has some fruit to hold her over on the way. This is our routine so I dont think hunger is the issue, and she sleeps for 11 hours straight. We give her choices about what she wants to wear and what order she would like to complete the tasks in (“Would you like to brush your teeth or use the bathroom first?”) and remain calm and confident while acknowledging she “it’s hard to get out of bed and get dressed sometimes.”
In this situation, what would you suggest if the child refused to brush his teeth after the 5 minutes is over? My thought would be to assist the child with the transition. “I see you’re having trouble putting away your trucks… I see you’re having trouble heading to the bathroom… I’m going to help you do xyz.” But what do you do when they just refuse to do things?
Just want to share my experience with my 1 year old as a visual clear example of how kids need, NEED us to be solid and clear – say she’s doing something I don’t want her to do, like putting something in her mouth that isn’t appropriate – as I’m saying ‘no’ she’s really analysing my face, doing the naughty thing slowly and deliberately, then doing it again so that I react and really looking so hard at me, paying 110% attention. I give her 3 chances and then on the 3rd attempt I take the talking away and move on. Mostly now she doesn’t make it to the 3rd try, but when she does I can see its because she’s testing, she’s thinking ‘will the same thing happen again this time ?’ And then she’s not upset when the same thing does happen and the thing gets taken away.
Why not just validate his feelings? That would probably help with some of the whining. Also, you don’t need to energize it. You can just say I hear you you don’t like… I totally understand you. Why do you feel a consequence is needed? curious to hear more.